Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Miranda Justin wedding World's Longest Bubble line

I love Miranda and Justin. I could hang out with them anytime anywhere and have fun. Every time I think about them I just smile. I don't know why God has blessed me with such amazingly wonderful brides, but I am so incredibility thankful for each of them




We have been noticing at all our church weddings that the Sunday School lesson is up from the week before and to me it is so interesting because every single time I am amazed at how it so perfectly matches each bride and groom. God is in every single detail and it's beautiful.

What was your first impression of each other

Justin - I thought she was good looking and had a heart of gold

Miranda- I thought he was so handsome and had a good sense of humor. I remember having a great respect for his devotion to God.

Justin is the youth pastor at Church Street and Miranda teaches English at Columbia Academy. They are so perfectly suited to teach youth, and the youth absolutley love them and so do I!

Check out what I think is the worlds largest bubble line it went on for a whole block. The entire church participated


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