Monday, March 16, 2009

Jon and Katie's wedding

The rain didn't dampen spirits this Saturday. Katie was absolutely radiant and glowing and her smile never left her face even though she had a flat tire on the way to her wedding. You can tell her easy going nature just by looking at her pictures. What a fantastic priveledge it was to be there on their special day.
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The good thing about rain on your wedding day are the cool reflection shots you can get

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Seeing Jon take a deep breath to keep from crying when he first saw Katie was emotional for us all.
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I ask Jon to whisper something romantic into Katie ear . "He told me I smelled good and I told him I thought he could do better than that!" when I asked what Jon had whispered-Katie
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Katie and Jon asked the guest for pearls of wisdom for having a great marriage. Loved this one and believe me Jon it is a biggie! Jon is going to be a wonderful husband. There was just one little thing he might need to work on since he married a southern girl. According to Katie's dad, Jon doesn't like turnip greens!
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Jon's older brother told how he had to help Jon weed out some of the girls he chose to date. Jon would bring home a potential girl friend for inspection and Jon's brother would ask if he was sure she was a girl. Katie, of course passed with flying colors
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Leaving for happy ever after.....
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