Play Ball!!!!!!!!!!

His little glove was almost as big as he was. He is full and energy and all boy and I'm crazy about his smile . I'm suprised I was able to get him to stay still long enough to get this quick shot. He did a great job on the mound.

Even though this was a baseball team, they had four little ladies helping as much as possible. Each girl had a pink glove and pink helmet. Some even had a pink bat and shoes like she did. You know a player has to be tough if they are wearing pink.

This little player was thinking about all the people that he was going to tag out throughout the game.

He had precious blue eyes and tried to show off his tough side. He had his ball in his hand and he was ready to start the game off with a big hit.

She had to show off her mean face for me, also. Doesn't she look tough? I don't think you would want to mess with her... especially when she's drinking her sippy cup.

See what I mean about the pink bat... She loved to play in the dirt and jump on the bases.

He liked to warm up by tossing the ball up in the air and catching it. He concentrated very hard.

Who's going to get to it first? The entire team played in the infield so it was pretty crammed. They haven't quite learned how to share yet. Maybe they will work on that at the next practice.

They had no problem diving for the ball or getting a little dirty. In this shot a coach tries to get out of their way before he gets in the middle of them. See his leg....

It was so close... She had to scramble for it before the runner got on base. In this league, the person with the ball must tag the runner in order to get an out. Every player bats around in every inning no matter how many outs or runs there happens to be. It is a good way to try to teach the players where there positions are and some of the rules of the sport.

I love how the little boy in the back just sits back and watches his other two teammates fight over it. He must have seen them do this in a previous game and knows better than to get involved.

Opps looks like he changed his mind and wants a piece of the action too. I have a feeling that three is going to be a crowd.

Scouting out the perfect place to hit. I bet she see's a hole for the perfect line drive. Sometimes this league is referred to as the diaper league. They were so little but determined. This little girl toted her sippy cup everywhere and wouldn't let it out of her sight.

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