She is thinking about someone special, no doubt. I loved her makeup. It blended with her skin so well.

She has been with me on enough shoots to know exactly what I want. I hardly had to tell her how to pose. I am trying to persuade her into becoming a photographer, as well. She has a lot of natural talent and I encourage her every chance I get. She has been a great help on many recent sessions and I can tell she really enjoys it.

This is such a typical shot of Rob. It matches his personality in every way. He is probably the most patient person that I know. He has matured into such an amazing young man. My husband and I are so proud of him.

The wind blown look works well for her.

She played in the wind and danced in the grass without a care in the world. All she was interested in was the perfect shot and having fun.

This is my favorite photo of this entire session. I let Rachel take her hair down and it was all over. Her attitude changed completely. She went from quiet and elegant to wild and fiesty. We may have to keep a closer watch on these two. I can tell that they are very much in love with each other. My husband and I were high school sweethearts and I know that true love does last. I have high expectations for these two.

They smile so genuinely when they are in each others sights. Since they started dating over a year ago, It is almost impossible to keep them apart.

These two have a bright future a head of them. They both are going to college in the fall and will be growing up. I am so glad that I got the change to capture this moment of their life for them. They will look back on these special days in the future and realize how important they truly were. Photography is one of my Passions but I also think it is important to capture Passion in my Photography.

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