The time has flown by and the years have started to fade but these photos will hopefully always be there to help you remember. Remember the good times, the hallways, the lockers and the books. Please remember your friends, your teachers, and how everything used to look.

Hats off to the class of 2008. It's all about the memories. The ones that have already been made and the ones that are yet to come.

She was such a delight to shoot. Her freckles shined as she played with the tool and made this shot fantastic.

She was full of passion and spice. She has such a fun personality and a wonderful sense of humor.

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others can not keep it from themselves.- Anonymous

We came upon this interesting dump truck and just had to take advantage of it. It made for an interesting shot. I also have discovered that cowboy hats are another accessory that I need to mention to my new clients.

The wheels of life keep turning no matter what happens to slow them down.

The junk yard again. My clients just happen to be drawn to this place. I'm so very lucky to have it near by. They seem to relax and play here which gives me some of the best shots.

Sometimes glasses can form a mystery, but when they are taken off- the truth comes out.

She has a lot of potential, I'm sure of it. She really shines in this shot.

All great shots come with a certain price. The freezing water didn't seem to bother her much. She wanted those perfect shots that only happen when you really, really want them.

She was such a good sport. I haven't used this location before but she has given me promising shots that make me want to go back there again and again.

The days of her youth are drifting away just like these flowers. She soon will be entering her own adulthood and the possibilities are endless for her.

It was an all around fun, eventful day. I'm so glad that I had someone who enjoyed the entire process and wasn't afraid to stick more than just her toes in the water. She was a pure joy to work with and I hope my future senior sessions are as exciting as this one.

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