Keeping his eyes on the ball.

They have their game faces on and they know how to use them. Muddy uniforms and all....they were more ready than ever to play ball.

She was all smiles before, during, and after the game. I love it when I get to shoot people with freckles. It truly makes my day to see them shining in the sun.

Put me in coach- I'm ready to play, TODAY!

Swing, Batter-Batter, Swing! He's going to be a big hitter one of these days.

Cleats, Gloves, Legs, and Hugs. That's what little baseball players are made of.

DETERMINATION: Knowing that you can and will catch the ball even when the odds aren't always in your favor.

When you stay Focused- you can accomplish anything and everything.

Reach for it.. Don't give up! Close you eyes and hold that ball tight in your glove. His face says it all.

Tiny hands- Large hearts.

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