Look how fun, Kendall decided to give us a laugh or two by jumping across the bench. He recently graduated from the Nashville Police Academy. I wouldn't try to outrun him if I were you?

Jennifer and Kendall found love while studying abroad for school. They both ended up in Mexico and hit it off right from the start. Jennifer wasn't very sure if she wanted a long distance relationship once they got back to the states but someone had other plans for her. She saw the name Kendall on road signs, boxes, and pretty much anything she glanced at and decided that God had a bigger plan for this relationship.

I do enjoy capturing a sweet smile with freckles. It doesn't get much better.

Playing around with shadows always makes the day go by faster. It's like we just started shooting when we had really been at it for almost two hours.

It's always a great thing when a couple isn't scared to play. Fall really is my favorite time of the year.

Be on the look out for Jennifer and Kendall's wedding shots. They will be up before too long.
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