Here's the new location. I really think I love it. The peeling paint, thistles, cute couple, what's not to love?

Don't you just love it when we get to take a little time out of out shoot to play? Actually, most of our shoots are spend playing and trying to figure out new, interesting things to do. I do love my job...

A shoot just wouldn't be a shoot without a good road picture.

And the blue door, of course.

I know when I am witnessing something special and personal- When my brides and grooms allow me to capture intimate moments, when they forget that someone is taking pictures, I just thank God and marvel at that moment. Below is one such moment. Chris is so obviously in love with Mallorie he honestly can't take his eyes off of her. For the first time Mallorie allowed Chris to pick her up (Chris confessed he had wanted to do it quite sometime, but Mallorie wouldn't let him. She was afraid he wouldn't be able to lift her or would hurt himself trying. Obviously, Mallorie is quite small and Chris has the muscles to carry it off, but Mallorie was still a little scared) She agreed to let him try once and of course he handled it magnificently and before I knew it he was picking her up again and again and I got to witness that special moment between the two that made my heart sing and took me back to when my groom decided to pick me up and I was scared, but he did it anyway and somehow someone was there to grab a picture and to this day it is one of my prized possesions and memories. Sometimes doing the thing that frightens you is also that thing that brings you the most joy and happiness.

Thanks Mallorie and Chris for spending the afternoon with me and taking me back in time. You guys remind me so much of Bob and I, I know you will be happily ever after forever.
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