My job doesn't get any easier than this wedding. If you want to know how to turn a cow pasture into a beautiful wedding ceremony site, this is the blog post for you. All the creativity, love, and joy at this wedding blew me away. There are so many things to show and tell. I have no idea where to start! Brittany is not only beautiful, but kind as well. There are so many pictures to share (too many), but I can't help myself. There is too much goodness not to share. I will, however, spare you the picture of the bride and groom and the snake photo
bombing their picture. We had no idea about the little rascal until we got home and saw him cheesing it up in the picture!
Check it out:
1. The signs pointing the way to the ceremony were fun! Olivia Wilkerson made all signs.
2. Jkreations, on, made the “Love is Sweet” banner.
3. Brittany’s aunt, Rhonda Flynn, made the cakes.
4. The displayed drawing of the couple’s house was by Mike Cheatham—what a great wedding present that would make!
5. My personal favorite was the windowpane—Brittany and her mom bought it at host of Christmas Past—which I hope to find this year, because I want one really bad! What a great Christmas present as well!
6. Brittany’s dad built the cross and the barn wall (at the reception). It was made out of wood from Brittany’s grandmother’s barn!
7. Bryan McCown built the entrance to the wedding ceremony—which was absolutely amazing!
8. Ivy Wreath made the gorgeous flower arrangements.
9. Candice McGear and Kalyn Slayon were in charge of hair.
10. The wedding venue was at the home of Mike and Vickie Ellison
11. If you haven't heard of the flip flop game, you need to check it out on the web. It is so much fun for the guests! Maybe I will blog about it soon.
12. Brad Goode was the DJ. He’s the best!
13. Make sure to scroll down to the last picture. It will give you a great idea of how much fun the bride and groom were!
14. The bouquet was almost forgotten and was rushed in seconds before walking down the aisle (See picture below!).
15. Tip for future brides: be sure to stop at the end of the aisle and let me grab a shot with all your guests behind you. I LOVE that shot!
16. Wilson Landscaping—one of Cody’s businesses—created the beautiful fountain at the reception.
17. The tears were caused when Cody gave Brittany a handkerchief from his baby years.
Just a quick plug for another one of Cody's business, Kahunna's Meat Market in Fayetteville, Tn . I go every single day, and that is no lie. Right now, I am in love with their marinated salmon. When you go tell him how purty he looked!
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